Thursday, May 6, 2010

You are Right

Yikes, you are right about that. A lot of the major events are casued by little thigns before it. I agree with you all the way on this one. If people just stop and think for a moment and not just accusing and causing things a lot of major events would have never occured in our history or even now.

More Than One Reason

In History class, one major point we learned, was that Major events in History are caused by multiple events, not just one. The most important thing i learned about this, was that this not only applies to History class and events, but with life itself. If we stop and think for a moment, instead of directly blaming it on one single thing, then we will notice one thing after another that lead up to that one event. It is a little difficult if you don't do this usually, but stopping and thinking for a while is very effective with learning why things happened, and it also helps you put the puzzle pieces of the universe together so you can see the big picture of it all.